DFS CDMA Tool V. Setup 54 __LINK__
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2020. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 19, no. 4: 1007.
DFS CDMA Tool V. Setup 54
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2019. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 18, no. 2: 1048.
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2019. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 17, no. 3: 1014.
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2019. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 16, no. 4: 1025.
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2019. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 15, no. 3: 1021.
Prez-Rubio, Mara Carmen, lvaro Hernndez, David Gualda-Gmez, Santiago Murano, Jorge Vicente-Ranera, Francisco Ciudad-Fernndez, Jos Manuel Villadangos, and Rubn Nieto. 2019. Simulation Tool and Online Demonstrator for CDMA-Based Ultrasonic Indoor Localization Systems Sensors 14, no. 3: 1008.