Vengo Da Dove
Their name was De De Lind, a band that gathered together in the late 60s and disappeared a little bit after their released their debut and last effort in 1073. Its title is "Io non so da dove vengo e non so dove mai andro", a long but interesting title. The album features seven songs and a total time of 38 minutes. It opens with "Fuga e Morte" which starts with some kind of funeral drumming for more than a minute, later it stops and a new and completely rockish sound appears. Nice guitars and bass notes. After minute two, vocals appear for the first time, the voice is strong and very Italian, you know what I mean. Later the addition of a flute inserts a new flavor and produces another texture, however the rockish sound prevails. Before minute six the song slows down and gives a sense of calm, later voice appears again."Indietro nel Tempo" starts beautifully, with a clean and soft flute sound; seconds later guitars appear but keep the same soft sound. However it turns again a bit rockier due to the electric guitar riffs. At half the song vocals appear. Nice but not so good track, actually. "Paura del Niente" starts again very softly with nice vocals and flute sound along with the guitars. The vocals this time sound softer actually, sharing tranquility. There is some kind of explosion where all the instruments make a crescendo and the music sounds faster and aggressive. However, it lasts only for a split second. Later there is a stop and a nervous and tense feeling appears due to the guitar that is being played faster and faster, later drums follow that path and the atmosphere creates tension on you. Nice track. "Smarrimento" has a Tullish flute beginning, the flute continues for two minutes until drums, keyboards and guitar appears, however the flute is still the leader of the army. The song has its highs and lows, its stops and goes, but in general is one excellent track in my opinion. At half the song it changes again, acoustic guitar appears along with soft and moderated vocals. There is now a pastoral sound, and a peaceful atmosphere. But a couple of minutes later there is a lightning where electric guitar appears and makes a brief two-second explosion. There are several musical elements played here, the colors and textures varies while the seconds pass. Excellent composition. When you think you are in the same song, then you realized that "Cimitero di Guerra" has started. As the title suggests, the percussion play some kind of war sound. Later the voice appears so far, it is like a speech from an important person, because when he speaks all the other instruments are quiet, so the people are listening carefully to him. Anyway, later the voice is near and the instruments far, as background. This song has that kind of funeral sound all over it, and it does not really help, this song is boring in moments, though the atmosphere is interesting. The last minute is rockier and actually more interesting. "Voglia di Rivivere" has a gentle acoustic guitar sound, then vocals with a melancholic sound. Later flute appears and continues with that soft sound. This is a short and calm track that may work as an adviser of the final part of the album, though the last minute becomes heavier and rockier, again. And so there is "E Poi", the shortest composition, which starts heavy and I don't know why but reminded me to Traccia from Banco. Later there is a stop and guitars with vocals appear in a soft way. But then the song returns as it began. Nice one.As you may have noticed, this time I did not really write with the emotion and enthusiasm I use to, and that is because despite I do like this album, I just find it nice, but not that good. All is a matter of tastes, but this time the album did not create that excitement on me. That is why I consider three stars is the best qualification.Enjoy it! social review comments Review PermalinkPosted Saturday, August 14, 2010 Review this album Report (Review #294512)
Vengo da dove
An interesting album for the most of its part, ''Io non so da dove...'' offers moments of Hard Rock delight with major progressive and folk influences, though the harder moments are more dominant.The longer cuts are obviously the most interesting.Here the hard rockin' grooves, led by powerful electric guitars and the vocals of Paradiso, alternate with gentle acoustic parts filled with delicate folkish flute work and sometimes nice sax solos.These parts seem to be possibly the best ones with the band being capable of creating some trully atmospheric soundscapes with strong psychedelic and singer/songwriter inspirations.OSANNA and JUMBO are good reference points.Organs are sporadically appearing without even notice them.The shorter compositions either follow a typical Hard Rock vein or sound similar to the above forms, though a bit more compressed, with good guitar/flute interplays.The album sounds a bit dated and sterile nowadays, but should have been a really good entry back in 1973.Te band continued to perform live for sometime with new drummer Fabio Rizzato replacing Rebajoli, before splitting up.All members disappeared from the scene except Vito Paradiso, who had a brief solo career at the end of the 70's.A good album next to the likes of JUMBO, OSANNA, I CALIFFI or CAPITOLO 6.Decent Hard Progressive Rock with lots of driving flutes and a high energy, but not much diversity or flexibility.Overall recommended. social review comments Review PermalinkPosted Monday, February 13, 2012 Review this album Report (Review #633423)
The phrase created with the preposition da uses the action verb venire and may come up in conversation when someone is visiting or has moved to a new place. The reply will most often use the io form of venire, which is vengo (I come) and da (from), followed by a city, town, region/state, or country. Once again, the question may be asked politely or in a familiar way.
Il numero 9 azzurro ha ripercorso tutta la sua vita, da quand'era piccolo per le strade di Lagos fino al suo trasferimento in Italia e alla decisione di vestire la maglia del Napoli. Sulla sua infanzia Osimhen ha raccontato: "Sono nato e cresciuto in Lagos, in un posto chiamato Olusosun. Sono cresciuto in un ambiente molto umile, è stato molto difficile per me. Mia madre è mancata quando ero piccolo, tre mesi dopo mio padre ha perso il lavoro. È stato un periodo molto difficile per me e i miei fratelli e sorelle, dovevo vendere acqua nelle strade trafficate di Lagos per poter sopravvivere. Io e i miei fratelli. È stato molto difficile, così come il posto da cui sono venuto. È un luogo in cui non c'è speranza, dove nessuno ti dice di credere in te. [..] La mia infanzia è stata dura, a differenza di altri bambini che magari se la godono. Io lottavo per sopravvivere, ero impegnato a guadagnare da vivere, per me e la mia famiglia. Sono andato via di casa che ero molto giovane. Vivevo in mezzo al traffico di Lagos, a fare lavoretti come tagliare l'erba, fare commissioni per altre persone, prendere acqua per i vicini, al fine di guadagnare qualche soldo per mangiare".
Io non so da dove vengo e non so dove mai andrò. Uomo è il nome che mi han dato è l'unico album del gruppo musicale De De Lind, pubblicato nel 1972 (molte fonti danno il 1973 come data di prima pubblicazione, smentita dalla data stampata sul vinile che indica il 1972).
Attualmente lavoro come Community Manager di Quora, dove mi occupo di costruire e gestire la comunità Telugu di Quora in tutto il mondo. Sono il community manager di Quora in Telugu, dall'inizio. Sono stato SPOC dalla sua fase di Alpha e Beta testing, e dal lancio pubblico, e lavorando a stretto contatto con i team di prodotto e di ingegneria. Per far crescere il progetto, lavoro sulle partnership, sviluppando ed eseguendo strategie di marketing, tra le altre cose.
Il ruolo dei progetti Wikimedia nel migliorare l'accesso e nell'aprire spazi di conoscenza e nell'avere un impatto su milioni di persone in tutto il mondo è una motivazione costante per me per contribuire ai progetti. Il movimento Wikimedia ha un grande potenziale per avere un impatto duraturo su ancora più persone dove le attuali strutture governative e sociali le stanno trascurando e tenendo lontane dalla disponibilità della conoscenza. Problemi attuali come molestie, meno diversità , potere centralizzato e mancanza di adozione di aspetti tecnologici in rapida crescita stanno ostacolando il progresso del movimento Wikimedia in questa direzione. Sono profondamente motivato a fare la mia parte nel partecipare alla governance del movimento servendo come membro del Board della Wikimedia Foundation 041b061a72